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About us

Welcome to Snobby Drops! We're the ultimate destination for posh, custom designed, premium quality printed fabric and fleece backdrops/floors made entirely in the USA. From design to production, our mission is to provide unique backdrops to help you create a signature style that will keep your client sessions full at affordable prices!


We're not your typical backdrop supplier - we're snobs. We obsess over every detail, from the fabric selection to the printing process, we ensure that our products meet our exacting standards of excellence. Our customers deserve nothing less than the best to be successful in the photography business. And since we are US based, our turn around time means you can start scheduling those client sessions sooner!

Our team is dedicated to creating backdrops and props that are as unique as your artistic vision. We take pride in our ability to customize every aspect of your order, from the exclusive designs created by handpicked artists, to the size, material and printing process. Our goal is to provide you with a personalized, one-of-a-kind product that will make your photos stand out from the crowd. Want a backdrop with a matching floor? We've got those. Need a matching floor for a backdrop but we DONT have it? Ask and you got it. That's right, if you cant find what you're looking for on the website, we take custom requests! Our designers love to be challenged to create your vision--just use our custom request contact form to get started! And just in case you were wondering....CUSTOM REQUESTS ARE FREE! :)

We're a small but passionate business and we are committed to supporting other small businesses by offering the highest level of quality in our products and services at equally competitive [and often lowest] prices.

Did you know, on top of the one-time cost to license their designs, our design artists receive a portion of every purchase of their designs? That's because we appreciate them, so your purchases support them and their small businesses as well. We make a difference, you make a difference-- together, we're difference-makers :)...and doesn't it just feel good to show and spread the love?

We understand that the photography industry is constantly evolving, and we're always on the lookout for new trends and innovations to incorporate into our products. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, we're here to help you achieve your creative vision. Let us help you take your photography to the next level with our premium quality fabric and fleece backdrops and printed floors.


Our dedication encompasses all aspects of our industry, including protecting creatives from digital theft and artistic infringement. Which is why we spearheaded our Creative Accountability Program [CAP] becoming the only backdrop retailer to fight artistic theft by offering to sell drops AT COST to customers that discover and report suspected theft of our designs by other backdrop retailers. The most important thing is, while we don't make money in these cases--NEITHER do those who perpetuate the theft of digital art. Its our WIN WIN way to shed light on, and fight back against thieves getting paid for stolen designs. Read more about our CAP program here.